Categories: General

Tips and Techniques to Help You Prepare for the Stresses of Moving Day

Moving is stressful, and if you forget one tiny detail, the whole day can unravel. Obviously, no one can predict everything that will happen, but preparing for some common moving day mishaps can keep you one step ahead. If you have a solid plan, you will probably avoid any major catastrophes and make it to your new home with all of your belongings and sanity intact. The following tips can make moving day simpler.

Take Your Time

Maybe this goes without saying, but so many times, people put off packing until the last possible minute and end up throwing everything into boxes without organizing. This leads to kitchenware in the same box as toothbrushes and tennis shoes, and socks and hairspray sharing crates with the family china. Then when you arrive at your new home, you end up having to unpack everything all at once just to find what you need.


Instead, take the time to organize your packing. Pack one room at a time and carefullyeach box so you know where everything is. If you’re packing up your home office, labeling boxes becomes absolutely essential. Even if you don’t have as much time as you’d like to pack, you can still use the time you do have to streamline the process.


The Spruce notes that you can also take this time to host a garage sale for any items that you don’t plan on taking with you to your new home. You should get rid of items you don’t use or need to make the moving process smoother.


Lastly, practice techniques that can help you keep your stress levels under control during this time. For example, learning breathing techniques that can calm anxiety can help, as can learning to identify and stop stress trains in their tracks. What’s more, once you learn these techniques, you can apply them to other areas of your life.

Ask for Help

One mistake a lot of people make is assuming they can do all the packing and moving on their own. Or they want help, but they don’t want to trouble their friends. Don’t try to tackle this big step without some help. If you have trouble asking, find some nice ways to recruit your friends and family, like baking them some cookies or offering to help them with one of their projects. You might be surprised by how many people will say yes, so don’t feel like you have to do all the work yourself.

Do Your Research

Depending on where you live, there are probably at least a half a dozen moving companies to choose from. But not all of them are legitimate. With the rising number of scams out there, it’s important to know who you’re giving money to. Consumer Reports warns that you should be wary of moving companies that require large deposits. Check their references to make sure they have satisfied customers; you can often find very helpful customer reviews online.


Of course, for those living in the Bronx, J Sutton & Co. can make moving day a breeze. In  addition to providing container delivery, they can assist you with delivery and loading, driving, and clean-up. Get in touch to discuss your schedule.

Don’t Pack Essentials

You should make a list of essentials you will need during the move and right after you arrive. Designate an essentials box you can get to easily anytime you need it. Some things to include might be medication, pet items, phone chargers, toiletries, important papers and contact information. Keep the box in your vehicle with you or pack it in a place where you can easily access it.

Check the Weather

If you have some flexibility when choosing your moving day, try to choose the day with the best weather. The weather isn’t always predictable, but if there’s a 99.9% chance of snow on Thursday, maybe pick Wednesday instead. If you absolutely have to move in inclement weather, take some precautions to stay warm and safe. Board your pets in a local kennel while you pack up the van, and shovel and salt the driveway and walkways a couple of hours before you begin. Make it as easy on yourself and the people helping you as you possibly can.

Do your best to take some of the stress out of moving by preparing for common moving day mishaps. Give yourself as much time as possible to prepare for the move, stay organized, and gather help. If you start out with a solid plan, you might even find moving days can be fun.

john Sutton

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